Saturday, 26 April 2014

mr god

He lived a quiet life
washed his socks in the sink
strew his crumbs about like 
everybody else
and tried to keep himself clean

One day
when he was quite finished being a young man
he came upon a book
from which
words poured forth to him
into him
surrounding him

He soon lost it and could never
remember the title
But the words became a part of 
And he began to use them
secretly, only
For the magic in such words was too strong to share among 
the weak and mortal population

though he was no
He had never caused a revolution
or caused any of his hands or
those of other to be raised
in either joy or anger
and when he passed out of this world no one noticed he was
or asked after him

He seemed a transparent person
a wonderwall
that no one cared to breach

His name was quickly forgotten by the postman by the dentist by the doctor by his employer
He left no children behind
His job was had been so unimportant that his assistant took it over while he was still performing it as it did not need to be taught and soon the assistant began to think he had always done it alone

While no one would have believed it he wished for this erasal
To be so forgotten would have given him an ultimate happiness 

And so it was easy to forget this man whose tastes were utterly boring
of which there was nothing to remark upon 
Even as he had done in his daily life he did in death

New people came and removed his meager belonging and were surprised to find 

the mighty and the superficial
the bright and the dull
of all patterns and colours and textures and beauty and repulsion
containing more wealth than Pharaoh himself

He had lived an ordinary space of years 
in an orderly fashion
of unimpressionable effect

Like all who went before
And so many after
He had collected a treasure

Some might say
He’d found some interesting words
that’s all

Those who chanced upon them hid them away for
they knew that it was enough
to raise him to the level 
of a 
small but mighty


Friday, 18 April 2014



(for Racheal) 
Send me the heroes who have 
lost all their gold
Who knelt to false angels who 
purchased their souls
The ones who have sold their clothes
for the cloth
The ones who melt devils then
wail their loss

And I will trade a million days
for their one thousand nights
Perhaps the dark surrounding them
will make them seek the light 

We'll dance on Rocks between the mounts until we stench the flow 
Of corpses filling heavens they were never meant to know

I offer you these million days
to save one thousand nights
The dark will sooth their wounds
and sleep will take the fight

Even as the harbor burns the ships before the glow
We will sing in places where only rabbis go
and sing them songs 
of sunny days lost and
far ago
Before the day extended to son above and also
son below 

Promise me your thousand nights to my one million days
A thousand nights of peace
is worth double what I pay

As Jesus and Mohammed pray in caves throughout the land
I'll have them up and dancing with nails in their hands
Forgotten woes still sting the wounds
that wail on the wall
Allahakbar cries the morning but no one heeds
the call

Make to me the fair exchange but remember in the light
That days are always shorter and dimmer than the night

And hard the wine and blood will flow
until a dozen ships ago 

A young girl died and closed her eyes and missed her falling star

Still Helen could not want for more; she did not start nor end the war

She died so many years ago

I will pay a million days for her one thousand nights
A thousand nights of love are worth 
a million days of strife

And tell her gently

do not come again
The war and the Eternal City will not end
Jerusalem must await

A race of better men