Wednesday, 21 May 2014

Song to a daughter

When the day turns black
and everything seems darkened with the tar of faint light
Look for me
Even when love fails you
And you are abandoned in a feverish and soulless place
Angels still are to be found
Do not give up hope
For even within the nightmare there is God

For how long we are lost
and how long we must search
and so hard do we strain to hear
though our ears are made deaf
though our mouths are made mute
All is prayer, all is prayer

Uncharted is your life
a wilderness of choice
hidden inside a maze of conflict
Harken to the voice you cannot hear
for it is the One who will tell you the truth
even as lies pile around you like the stones of mountains
and your heart has flown in fear from you

You are not lost
You are not lost

I see you as you are

Wonder of wonders
saint of saints
god of gods
nothing can compare
nothing is greater
nothing is as eternal
or as wise

as I understand you to be

For how long we are lost
and how long we must search
and so hard do we strain to hear
though our ears are made deaf
though our mouths are made mute
All is prayer, all is prayer

I know who you are

Wonder of wonder
saint of saints
god of gods
nothing is greater
nothing is greater

than you

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